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New Article in mBio.
May 2024. Our Article "The function of CozE proteins is linked to lipoteichoic acid biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus." is online. Excellent collab with the Kjos Lab!
New Article in Nat. Str. Mol. Biol.
April 2024. Our Article "Receptor-recognition and antiviral mechanisms of retrovirus-derived human proteins." is online. Excellent collab with the Reyes Lab!
The Perez Lab has officially arrived to UGA!!
January 2024.
Congrats to Dr. Gonzalo Cebrero
January 2024. Gonzalo defended his Ph.D. thesis and obtained a Magna cum laude degree from the University of Basel. Congratulations!
Congrats to Dr. Arantza Balsebre
December 2023. Arantza defended her Ph.D. thesis and obtained a Magna cum laude degree from the University of Basel. Congratulations!
The Perez Lab leaves Biozentrum
December 2023. The Perez Lab finishes its last year at Biozentrum. Our team moves to the University of Georgia, Go Dawgs!
Congrats Eric and Nil
August 2023. Eric and Nil defended their Master thesis at Biozentrum, University of Basel.
Congrats to Suvi Selliah
August 2023. Suvi Selliah defended his Master thesis at Biozentrum, University of Basel. Proud of the first Master's graduate from the Perez Lab.
Lab retreat in Mallorca, Spain!!
September 2022. Fantastic Lab retreat in Mallorca. Beach and Sun :)
New Internship Student
July 2022. We welcome Jadine Kuo. Student from the Biozentrum Research Summer Internship Program
New Grant
April 2022. New SNF Project grant approved!!
Congrats to Dr. Natalie Bärland
May 2021. Natalie defended her Ph.D. thesis and obtained a Summa cum laude degree from the University of Basel. Congratulations!
New Article in Sci. Adv.
March 2022. Our article "Mechanistic basis of choline import involved in teichoic acids and lipopolysacharide modification" is now out.
New Article in Nat. Commun.
February 2022. Our Article "Evidence for a trap-and-flip mechanism in a proton-dependent lipid transporter" is now online.
Congrats to Dr. Elisabeth Lambert
December 2021. Elisabeth defended her Ph.D. thesis and obtained a Summa cum laude degree from the University of Basel. Congratulations!
Congrats to Natalie for receiving a Poster prize!!
December 2021. Natalie receives a poster prize at the EMBO workshop ‘Recent advances in structural biology of membrane proteins’
New Article in JoVE
May 2021. Our Article "Selection of Transporter-Targeted Inhibitory Nanobodies by Solid-Supported-Membrane (SSM)-Based Electrophysiology" is out.
Congrats to Bing for receiving the J.C.W. Shepherd Prize!!
January 2021. Bing receives the J.C.W. Shepherd Prize for her excellent Ph.D. work at Biozentrum.
Camilo receives the EMBO Young Investigator Award!!
December 2020. Camilo obtained a Young Investigator Award from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).
Congrats to Dr. Bing Zhang
August 2020. Bing defended her Ph.D. thesis and obtained a Magna cum laude degree from the University of Basel. Congratulations!
New Article in Nat. Str. Mol. Biol.
May 2020. Our Article "Structure of a proton-dependent lipid transporter involved in lipoteichoic acids biosynthesis" is online.
New Book!
March 2020. Expression, Purification, and Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins. Edited in collaboration with Timm Maier.
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